Thursday, February 7, 2008


I'm not very good on the selling end of this process, but I do have some gigs lined up as of now that I'd like to tell you about.

I'm appearing at "M Is for Mystery" in San Mateo on 3rd Street on May 3rd at 2:00 pm. Ed Kaufman's store is a wonderful place in and of itself. You got favorite crime fiction authors? He's got 'em stocked, in addition to having a fine collection of signed first editions for you collectors out there. Anyway, I'll be there reading from new book, Roux Morgue, and (here's the important part), if I have time, I plan to rustle up some baked goods. A tart here, a chocolate cake there. Mosey on down.

I'll be at Malice this year. I was a Malice Grant Winner and also was nominated for an Agatha for Best First for Beat Until Stiff, so Malice has a special place in my heart. That's the weekend of April 25. I'll let you know if I have a panel; I've requested one. Here's hoping.

I'm also going to be at Bouchercon this year: October 9-12 in Baltimore. Barbara Peters and Robert Rosenwald, the publishers of Poisoned Pen Press (my publisher), are being honored with a Lifetime Achievement Award. I'll be there cheering with the rest of the PPP possee, and, also, I hope, to have a panel there.

That's it for now, am going to keep working the speaking angle, should have update soon.

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

Let me know if you want me to contact the mystery bookstore here for you, to try and set something up.