Sunday, April 3, 2011

The Thin Line

There's been an interesting discussion on DorothyL, the mystery lst srv, about some readers feeling that the presence of an author's website contains a tacit invitation to engage with the author, and why bother having a website if you don't have any intention of getting up close and personal with your readers, as in responding to their queries and/or emails.

I think that today's artists are caught between a rock and a hard place. There is a heightened degree of intimacy demanded by one's audience these days, and while I'm as addicted to celebrity gossip websites as the next person (I don't read People magazine but I sure scan the headlines), I think that a website is or should be nothing more than advertisement. Hey, I'm going to be here, reading from my book. Want to meet me? Or, my next book is going to be published on this date and it's about this. To me, that is the extent of what a web page should be about. It should inform. You may ask, well, there's usually an email address so isn't that an invitation? I see it more as a professional necessity for those in the industry. And while I answer every single piece of email I receive, I can't imagine if you're a popular author how inundated you'd be with fan-email. You'd have no time to write. Feeding the publicity machine would be your sole job.

Also, and no one talks about this, but you can know far too much about people. I've been to a number of mystery writing conventions and I've met my fair share of authors, and you know? Most of them are wonderful people. Some aren't. And it's colored how I feel about them forever. Some authors have lost me as a reader because now I know them as people and it impacts my enjoyment of their material. Of course, the same thing can happen in reverse. You meet someone who is mediocre on the page, but in person they are adorable, and that author now has a new reader. I'm not that into spy thrillers unless you're John le Carre, but I heard David Balducci speak at Bouchercon last fall and damn if he wasn't a fantastic interview and I think I'll pick up one of his books.

But it usually doesn't work out that way. Given how polarized people are these days, do you really want to know that I'm politically left of center? Probably not. Do I want to know that you're a member of the Tea Party? No, I don't. I'm increasingly feeling that my world of fiction or someone else's world of fiction should not be intruded on by reality. That all you need to know is what is between Chapter 1 and the end.

I think that if an author wants to be close and personal with people that's what Facebook and Twitter is for. I have a Facebook, but I rarely use it, but I do not have a Twitter (and have no intention of signing on). Neither do I have a problem with people contacting by email; in fact, I enjoy it. Email me anytime. But I do wonder about the how faint the lines between artist and audience are becoming. Would I have enjoyed, say, Hemingway's books if I'd known that he was a serial monogamist who became a narcissistic jerk later in life, or cherished every magnificent sentence F. Scott Fitzgerald wrote knowing that he liked to get tanked up and then pick fights with people? Maybe not.

I do know that I know won't support some authors (and artists) who I feel are morally bankrupt. Thirty years ago I wouldn't have known anything about them, and I could have gone on appreciating their art in the embrace of my naivete. Now, it very difficult and sometimes I find impossible to separate the artist from their art. It's really hard to ignore that man pretending to be Oz when the curtain's whipped back.


Unknown said...

Excellent points. And what most people who shout about "conversation" on blogs/websites aren't saying is that it isn't really about engagement, it's about bumping up the linkbacks to increase their ranking on Google. Numbers game, pure and simple. :(

I *enjoy* the feedback, it's fun for me, but it's something that can turn sour fast. It's dangerous, which is what I see that you are saying in some ways. I mean, one author I barely know pissed me off with some judgmental comment she made on her blog which I took personally, and I've basically blacklisted her. She may be a *fantastic* author...but I don't care. And I'm not sorry; but the fact is, I could just as easily do the same thing with a reader on MY blog.

There has to be a comfort zone for both writer and reader, I think; some authors love strutting around and being the center of attention 24/7, and some really hate it. I like my website being a place where people can have a conversation, in addition to FB and Twitter; but that's my personality, in RL and online. I know a number of authors who use their websites as nothing more than glorified bulletin boards, and hey, if that is what works for them, then it WORKS and that's all that is important, IMHO.

Claire M. Johnson said...


Well, you know how much I love feedback but you also know that an author can shoot themselves in the foot without too much effort. It really is a fine line to walk. Because the reality is that if someone wants to make your live truly miserable they can. They can trash your amazon page over and over again, and given the total lack of response that amazon generally accords authors, then you're screwed. Granted, you run that risk by the mere fact you're published, but by actually having opinions (or writing book reviews like I do), then you've essentially put a target on your back.

However, I refuse to be silenced and have just accepted that this is part of the game to a certain extent. I *do* understand if an author wants to keep their writing persona and personal persona separate though because the Internet is not a safe place, as much as we would like it to be.